The night was calm and we made good progress.

In the morning we are already 45 miles from the Reunion coast and the island is no longer visible, hidden behind the clouds.
The boat is going at a good pace given the little wind and everyone is awake and having breakfast.

It is 1:30 p.m. when we see our first floating wreck in the distance. We then make a detour and it’s an ammas of ropes and plastic basins placed in the middle of nowhere. The crew got into the water to take some underwater images and took the opportunity to inspect the underside of the hull because last night we hit a tree trunk. Everything is fine except for a scratch on the hull, we are on our way again.

It is 4 p.m. and we are taking our first plastic sample. During 1 hour we tow a plankton net intended to quantify the quantity of micro plastic. This sample and the following ones will be called Julia.