Finally a real night’s sleep, the weather is wonderful and everyone is in good shape.

We have a solid breakfast with a bacon and onion omelet prepared by Amaury. We check our anchorage and put our dinghy in the water.

The engine has a big fuel leak, Serge and Mickael dismantle the carburetor which needs a good cleaning of the jets and the needle. After reassembly, it turns out that there is still a leak. Again disassembly of the carburetor bowl: the bowl gasket is completely dry. Fortunately we have some joint paste, that’s it, the engine is operational.

The four of us climb into our little annex and set off to explore “Coco Island”. It is again a terrible observation: countless bottles, slippers by the thousands, lighters, buoys and fishing equipment, shattered cans. We make a large number of photos integrating the gps point and videos of these plastic waste macros.

We return to the boat around 1:30 p.m. and set sail for Avocare, an island located about twenty kilometers further north. The navigation in this part of the archipelago is very delicate, we sail bypassing the innumerable potatoes and sandbanks with sometimes less than 2 meters under the keel of the boat. The arrival on Avocare is delicate, we will not approach any more and drop anchor 300 meters from the beach.

Mickael stays on board to warn us in case the wind turns because the boat is surrounded by potatoes and there is less than 50 cm under the keel. Serge had visited this island in 2001, it has been completely eroded since then and it is more than 150 meters long and is totally eroded by cyclonic swells. An old hut that was once occupied by passing fishermen and located in the center of the island is now in the lagoon. It is filled with sand and has long been abandoned.

Once again it’s the same observation: birds live in the middle of all kinds of waste that litter this island. We make many photos and videos. Night will soon fall, we return to the boat and sail in the dark following the track and can thank the precision of the gps system. Once again, we will dine like royalty with a starter of tuna tartare and forest potatoes. We fart the only bottle of champagne for this last evening on the archipelago.